Dear Loyal Readers and Fans,
I know the 10 of you probably clicked on my blog link because you heard rumors that there was a picture of a cat doing karaoke. Uncle Jesse did get slightly intoxicated and gave his vocal chords quite the workout. In fact, he didn't even speak for a week after that night-- I think he might have lost his voice. But never fear, this morning he was in my face making awful cat noises that indicate "let me drink from the sink before 8am."
Don't worry. This blog won't be about my cat.
I'm still kind of trying to figure out what I am doing with this blog. I'm currently in a year-long course about memoirs, so maybe this can act as a self-indulgent memoir in the making... you know, so I can think I'm cool now, and then reflect on it in 10 years while I laugh about how lame I was... or cry about how awesome karaoke with Jesse was.
Whatever the case may turn out to be, I like to write about things I know. I'm terrible with fiction. Travelwriting and memoirs are more my speed because then I don't ever feel like I'm lying (this could be some pyschological thing that someone should analyze: for example, if I know I woke up at 9:58, I will not tell someone I woke up at 10... because I would have known exactly what time it was... so I would be kind of lying... you can judge me for this).
So I think this blog will be kind of a storage space for my personal writing, my personal rambling, current stories I want to remember, and maybe things like concert reviews and the random adventures I go on. Because I kind of go to concerts a lot. And I kind of have random adventures a lot. But just remember that I can't write fiction.
So WHY, Kristi? Why must you blog about your life? Meh... I don't know. College is a funny time. I should try to remember as much as I can from it.
So here's the Cliff's Notes on everything that has happened since I have been at UMass:

I know the 10 of you probably clicked on my blog link because you heard rumors that there was a picture of a cat doing karaoke. Uncle Jesse did get slightly intoxicated and gave his vocal chords quite the workout. In fact, he didn't even speak for a week after that night-- I think he might have lost his voice. But never fear, this morning he was in my face making awful cat noises that indicate "let me drink from the sink before 8am."
Don't worry. This blog won't be about my cat.
I'm still kind of trying to figure out what I am doing with this blog. I'm currently in a year-long course about memoirs, so maybe this can act as a self-indulgent memoir in the making... you know, so I can think I'm cool now, and then reflect on it in 10 years while I laugh about how lame I was... or cry about how awesome karaoke with Jesse was.
Whatever the case may turn out to be, I like to write about things I know. I'm terrible with fiction. Travelwriting and memoirs are more my speed because then I don't ever feel like I'm lying (this could be some pyschological thing that someone should analyze: for example, if I know I woke up at 9:58, I will not tell someone I woke up at 10... because I would have known exactly what time it was... so I would be kind of lying... you can judge me for this).
So I think this blog will be kind of a storage space for my personal writing, my personal rambling, current stories I want to remember, and maybe things like concert reviews and the random adventures I go on. Because I kind of go to concerts a lot. And I kind of have random adventures a lot. But just remember that I can't write fiction.
So WHY, Kristi? Why must you blog about your life? Meh... I don't know. College is a funny time. I should try to remember as much as I can from it.
So here's the Cliff's Notes on everything that has happened since I have been at UMass:

Freshman year: I get stuck living in my last choice of residence area. I am sad to leave my longterm boyfriend. I decide to suck it up and meet as many cool people as possible. I make a good amount of friends. I party too much; I don't go to class enough; I work really hard at the end of the fall semester to pull of a 2.6GPA. Whoops. The spring comes and I move to the wrong residence area. I party moderately/too much; I manage the 3.0 this semester. I run away to New Jersey for my first Skate'n'Surf Fest in Asbury Park. I eat White Castle for the first time, and I am not impressed. As the weather gets warmer, college becomes incredible. I get myself into some sticky situations. I eat ice-cream instead of dealing with the truth (South Park, anyone?).

And don't forget this guy:

1 comment:
Kristi enjoyed your blog. Wish you could still write for us at, you've got a great talent.
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