I guess it's time for an update. Maybe it's because there's so much that should be running through my head. Maybe it actually is. I don't think I'm even making sense.
Graduation was amazing. The whole having a week off beforehand wasn't too shabby either. Basically I'm surprised nobody died. Maybe I'll write about the pigroast, the heart-to-hearts, the general mayhem and et cetera sometime. It's funny/(some other adjective) to think that college is over. I mean, even if/when grad school comes around, it will never be the same as my undergraduate career. I can honestly say UMass surpassed all my expectations... class wise, friends wise, and otherwise. It was a second home, and nothing will ever touch it... was it Thomas Wolfe that said "You can't go home again"...? Yeah.
Then again, Thomas Wolfe obviously didn't grow up in Leicester, Massachusetts. Actually being "home" has just solidified the fact that my high school friends will be there to the end... we're awkwardly close... and I wouldn't change any of it.
Anyway, I think the reason I decided to blog in this guy was to give the update on Costa Rica: I got the job.
All right. I still can't figure out what to say about it yet. I got the job.
I got the job.
Ahhh... anyway... I just got back from San Diego yesterday, and I'm somewhat in love with the place. While I'd still want to raise a family in New England, So.Cal. may have its place for a year or two in my future. Look at me, talking about my future like that. I don't want to go too much into it, but just being away from here was the perfect thing for me. After battling mono for what seemed like a long time, I wasn't sure how this trip was going to go... but it worked out really well. I could go on about going to all 3 Sox games (hey San Diego, you can have your ballpark back. Love, the thousands of Red Sox fans that overtook your city) and taking advantage of liberal drinking laws and a hotel on the beach. But something else happened. Maybe it was all the time to just be away from my apartment and my mom's house and maybe to kind of reflect... subconciously (sorry La Feminista).
I don't feel as jaded anymore towards... things... I guess I finally feel open to truly... meeting... someone.... okay this is getting weird and too personal.
I hate to say that "being away" gave me some new perspectives on Life or whatever (especially after being gone for 5 days), but I think that graduating and moving on opened up a lot of feelings for me that I just chose not to think about... wow this is so lame.
I guess that being "home," then being Home, then being away just helped me get back to... me. And I won't lie: I'm a pretty fucking good time.
And I love my friends. And I love fun. And I love life. And everything is going to change decently soon. I don't know when the fear will set in, but I imagine it has to.
I'm going to throw in some pictures because this post was... well, you read it.

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