So my roommate made some new friends in her EMT class last semester. One kid-- this nice, 20 year old boy-- had never had a friend that was a girl... just "girlfriends." So they become best friends, no big deal. Naturally, she says that she wants to meet his other friends. He's a local kid from South Hadley. But he pretty much tells her straight up that he doesn't think she'll like his friends, and he doesn't want her to think less of him. Well, why? Turns out his friends are racists. Actually, her friend is "a little racist," too. He hopes this doesn't change anything.
Whether it changed anything or not isn't a big deal. But what rubbed me the wrong way was the idea of being "a little racist." What does that even mean? Do you pick and choose who you discriminate against? I could go on, but I don't know: what do you think?
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On a lighter note, I think JesseCat is starting to finally get the concept of "we don't eat from the trash bags at this apartment." He's kind of in his "terrible twos." Poor guy. I think he was sick yesterday, but he has to learn somehow.
I'm pretty sure that there's no such thing as "a little racist". When I hear that phrase I think of a little kid who has been told to be racist. I think you either discriminate or you don't. How did your roommate react?
I've heard "a little racist" before, and I gotta say, it's pretty black and white. You are or you aren't. The only point at which I might think someone is "a little" racist as opposed to "very racist" is someone with antiquated views because they were brought up that way. My parents consider themselves open-minded and liberal, etc. But sometimes they say kind of questionable things that I don't even think they know whtat they really said. Was it racist? Probably. But did they mean it the way it would be perceived in today's society? Maybe, I'm not really sure.
...Sorry, I deleted and reposted this because the middle got deleted somehow. Now all the sentences are coherent.
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