Sunday, February 25, 2007

so I finally get a chance to go to the movies..

How many letters is "boring pretentious movie?"

At least the directing was cool.


This short angry post brought to you by The Number 23.


Kevin said...

I know the feeling...

Leslie said...

I feel exactly the way about Sandy Bullock's upcoming _Premonition_. I know it will be bad. I KNOW it will be bad. And yet. The trailers get me every time!!

My friend Rekha (whom you all know) wrote an awesome post last year on the 2Cents blog about the creative art of trailer editing. Sometimes I think, yeah, why make a movie longer than two minutes anyway?

Burdamania said...

This is begging for a parody, I'll get to work on that

Burdamania said...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my full name:

Brett Christopher Burdick

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