Sunday, February 25, 2007
so I finally get a chance to go to the movies..
At least the directing was cool.
This short angry post brought to you by The Number 23.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
"I'm a hopeless romantic; you're just hopeless."

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Food for Thought... yum
Whether it changed anything or not isn't a big deal. But what rubbed me the wrong way was the idea of being "a little racist." What does that even mean? Do you pick and choose who you discriminate against? I could go on, but I don't know: what do you think?
On a lighter note, I think JesseCat is starting to finally get the concept of "we don't eat from the trash bags at this apartment." He's kind of in his "terrible twos." Poor guy. I think he was sick yesterday, but he has to learn somehow.
Friday, February 16, 2007
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
Or maybe I really am just as lame as the random topics I've covered in here... c'est la vie, right?
One of the things that came up the other night, after a long day of binge-Valentining, was the collaborative blog's question about the first kiss. Somehow I just had to talk about the "romantic gesture" thing because 1) I hadn't thought about it in a while, and 2) has anyone else ever done this?
I found myself sitting on my couch with my roommate's boyfriend-type-person's older brother... pulling out some of our "tricks"-- oh have you ever done this?? ohmygod, one time this person did this... so hot.
Somehow this lead into more discussions about "spittin' game" and such (ha ha ha). And somehow "the wink" came up! Now, this guy also pulls off a great wink. But he was well aware that if it wasn't natural, it was a mess; and if it was successful, it was a big win. We laughed at how we both totalllly got it.
Then he said something to the idea that I could pull off the wink.
Um, no. I don't think I'd even try-- definitely not my style.
But he said something like, "Okay, maybe not an official wink... but you do this thing with your eyebrows when you're talking... the way you raise them up and down is like... it's like you're putting the period at the end of a sentence."
I was really impressed with this imagery and kind of excited that he could call me out on it. Like the wink, it's just something natural, and what better thing for me than something that has to do with sentences? I'm pretty much committing my life to academia, the written word, papers, books, syntax, grammar... and my body language pulls off something as simple and as major as that of a period at the end of a sentence. I found it really beautiful and something I wanted to remember.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
18 forever
Yeah I know it doesn't look like much, but I spent many a day and many a dollar at this venue back in my days of being so "scene" and so cool, and not having anything else to do or spend money on. I guess the least they can do is give me a job right?
Well, I think that just might happen. Nothing's set in stone yet, but I was taking a look at some of the upcoming shows that I could be working at. Personally I want to attend Jack's Mannequin and Head Automatica (2/21) or the Killswitch Engage Show (2/23). Jack's Mannequin is the sideproject of Something Corporate singer Andrew MacMahon, who was suffering from some awful disease.
Head Automatica is Daryl Palumbo's side project (lead singer for Glassjaw-- still one of the bands I rock out to when I am an angrypants). Funny thing, he was also suffering from an awful disease. Chrohn's disease is serious. Last December (okay, I remember it was exactly Thursday the 27th), I saw Glassjaw for the first time in a very long time. It brought back a lot of nostalgia. We got to stand up on the balcony over the stage, which was sick because I could pretty much spit on Palumbo's head.
Killswitch is sweet because they're local guys and this will definitely be a welcomed homecoming show. I wouldn't mind working this one at all though.

And then the random Public Enemy (3/10) show. I wonder if it is a 10th aniversary thing... or just another type of spin-off thanks to Flavor-Flav. Either way, I guess.
There's a few other concerts I plan on attending this semester. I have no idea what my exact spring break plans are as of yet, but if I'm around I'll probably hit up the Taste of Chaos tour (Tsongas Arena, 3/22). It's pretty much the harder acts of the Warped Tour on a smaller winter tour. The first time I saw The Used, I was backstage at a Finch concert (at The Palladium, nonetheless). I was actually really impressed with their sound, but all I could think of was "Ew, you do kelly Osbourne..." I wrote an article for my school newspaper about that night, but I left out The Used and their lead singer's shananigans-- like when he spit Jack Daniels all over the blatantly straight-edge-fashionably-punk girls. I have some sort of soft spot for 30 Seconds to Mars: I really didn't want to because of the whole Jared Leto thing, but then again,, it is Jared Leto-- dude's talented. The singles out now are so amn catchy, too. I wonder who writes them... Then there's Senses Fail, who I've seen multiple time (I guess every band on this bill is a multi-timer for me). But anyway, they never really disappoint me. I liked when they got harder instead of emo-ing out.
Taking Back Sunday and Underoath are playing at the Mullins Center (4/5), so that's convinient. Again, both bands I have seen a lot of times, but they never really disappoint, so it could be worth it. But then THIRD EYE BLIND is playing 2 weeks later, and I expect that to be awesome. I've never seen them live, and I have a feeling that will be a show where I won't feel too old to be there (Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel 4/19).
Lastly, theres definitely Brand New at the Webster Theater (5/24)-- a graduation present to myself. I won't even get into that one.
It's funny how I'm listening to the same music I did when I was 18... hell, when I was 16. Some of it from even before that. What will my kids think?? yikes.
"I'm gonna stay 18 forever, so we can stay like this forever, and we'll never miss a party, 'cause we keep them going constantly, and we'll never have to listen to anyone about anything, 'cause it's all been done and it's all been said: we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get..."-bn
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Past Your Optimus Prime

My home is incredible, by the way. And my bed is one step above incredible. We get there, there's Chinese food waiting for us, I get to hug my mom, and I get to sit in my bed and eat and drink and chill out in front of the tv. Talk about getting away.

We stroll out to the bar. I decide to give her the taste of Worcester-- meaning I take her to Irish Times and Leitrim's. Irish Times is all right

*girlish sigh*
Monday, February 5, 2007
The WHY of the Tiger
I know the 10 of you probably clicked on my blog link because you heard rumors that there was a picture of a cat doing karaoke. Uncle Jesse did get slightly intoxicated and gave his vocal chords quite the workout. In fact, he didn't even speak for a week after that night-- I think he might have lost his voice. But never fear, this morning he was in my face making awful cat noises that indicate "let me drink from the sink before 8am."
Don't worry. This blog won't be about my cat.
I'm still kind of trying to figure out what I am doing with this blog. I'm currently in a year-long course about memoirs, so maybe this can act as a self-indulgent memoir in the making... you know, so I can think I'm cool now, and then reflect on it in 10 years while I laugh about how lame I was... or cry about how awesome karaoke with Jesse was.
Whatever the case may turn out to be, I like to write about things I know. I'm terrible with fiction. Travelwriting and memoirs are more my speed because then I don't ever feel like I'm lying (this could be some pyschological thing that someone should analyze: for example, if I know I woke up at 9:58, I will not tell someone I woke up at 10... because I would have known exactly what time it was... so I would be kind of lying... you can judge me for this).
So I think this blog will be kind of a storage space for my personal writing, my personal rambling, current stories I want to remember, and maybe things like concert reviews and the random adventures I go on. Because I kind of go to concerts a lot. And I kind of have random adventures a lot. But just remember that I can't write fiction.
So WHY, Kristi? Why must you blog about your life? Meh... I don't know. College is a funny time. I should try to remember as much as I can from it.
So here's the Cliff's Notes on everything that has happened since I have been at UMass:

And don't forget this guy: