He laughs about me and my blog. Because of course I told him that I mentioned him one time. I toyed with the idea of sending him the link, but that can wait for another day. Maybe.
Anyway. So, last week, the Wink guy and I got into our first "fight." It wasn't a fight at all. But I've been extraordinarily emotional lately (I almost cried during an ASPCA commercial, and it wasn't like I was alone in the room... damn Sarah Mclachlan), and so I pulled some completly girlish move... oh terrible. I am so anti-girl when it comes to bullshit, but hey, it happens, right?
So I end up making him feel really bad... whoops... haha (obviously I am super apologetic... not). He calls (it's about 10am, and I don't have class until 1:25). He's going to stop over. Do I want anything? Coffee? No. Tea? No. Hot chocolate? No. Freeze pops, candy, random list of things I would normally want because I like treats? Nope. I really don't want anything. The sad voice keeps coming out, but I can't help it; once I've slipped in, it's hard to get out.
So I'm laying on the couch watching daytime tv, being totally pathetic but secretly happy that he stopped by. He comes and sits close, almost halfway bent over me, and I guess I have to talk to him. I don't really want to talk about it because I'm embarrassed: I've only recently learned how to really express my emotions like this. So of course I have to pull the "No, it's stupid.. I don't want to talk about it..." thing. He takes it, probably knowing that I'll break down sooner or later (which is also pretty new for me). JesseCat comes over and rubs his head on my dramatically hanging hand.
The Wink guy knows that Jesse has been comforting me all morning. He shifts to an upright position and says, "Since you were so ademant against me getting something for you, I got something for your little guy because I know he's been being there for you." He pulls out a little, bright orange mouse that rattles when you shake it and a bag of kitty treats. JesseCat is very excited and very happy with his new things. And I have to admit that it was really sweet of the Wink guy to get my cat things. He says that he knows he can make me smile.
I'm mad that it works.
But not really mad at all.
* * *
In other cat news, my roommate Ashley bought this book "Stuff On My Cat." I guess it started off as a website, and it's just a book of pictures. Pictures of cats. With stuff on them. Some of them are funny-- showcasing the laziness and/or the lethargical nature of some cats. You know, a cat with a curly mop of plastic hair on its head... a cat sleeping on its back with a bottle of Jose Cuervo strategically placed against its side... a fat cat with a cheeseburger on its back. Hilarity in book form.

Creeping on cats is pretty funny... if you can manage to put things on your cat without him waking up, then well done. But I'd imagine stuffing your cat into a little outfit doesn't happen while it's asleep. And I doubt your cat likes it at all.